Sunday, August 3, 2014

Geekland presents: Holy BatCast and The Josh and Croz Show at Comic-Con 2014!

Once again, The Josh and Croz Show and Holy BatCast have merged for another great episode! This is a duplicate of Holy Batcast #12 as Andy Digenova, Josh Shipley, Brian Crosby and Jaime McGough discuss all things Batman that we experienced at San Diego Comic-Con International 2014. For up to date geeky fun, please subscribe directly to Holy BatCast. You never know which one of us will open that window for a cameo!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Geekland presents: The Josh and Croz Show on the Holy Batcast!

Geekland presents:
The Josh and Croz Show on the Holy Batcast!

The Josh and Croz Show merges with the Holy Batcast for one amazing podcast! Any Batman conversation is fun, but we give most of our attention to our opinions on the upcoming Gotham television series.

Geekland Facebook Group
Holy Batcast Facebook Group
* Twitter: @joshandcroz
Blogspot Shownotes
* Subscribe on iTunes: The Josh and Croz Show
* Subscribe : Holy Batcast
* Email:

Check out this episode!