Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Show Notes for November 21, 2011 - Disney Internet Radio Stations and Nonsense...

Behold! The newest Josh and Croz logo by Brian Crosby!
This depicts our costumes from Halloween this year.

Click HERE for the November 21, 2011 Podcast!

After sending out a notes through Twitter and Facebook asking what your favorite Disney internet radio stations, we have reported those results on this podcast. It's not as exciting as it initially sounded, considering that Croz revealed that he doesn't know what we are talking about! Solution? Bring in Jaime and the three of us ramble about a bunch of nonsense and laugh hysterically. We only produce quality podcast here, folks. ;)

Our awesome group costume effort for the
WDI Halloween 2011 Patio Party!

Here are links to the internet radio stations discussed on this episode:

Radio Disney (Shout out to our favorite Radio Disney DJ, Brian!)

Don't forget to send us your thoughts and feedback as we plan the next show!

Listen to every Josh and Croz Show on iTunes!

Or, you can listen to every episode online at http://www.joshandcroz.com/

Follow us throughout the week on Twitter @joshandcroz
Or contribute all your thoughts to the Josh and Croz Show page on Facebook
You can also email us comments directly at joshandcroz@gmail.com